Sunday, December 25, 2011


Here's hoping Santa was good to you all! I had my family, tons of food, and some excellent holiday movies. I guess I made the NICE list this year after all.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Between my return home a couple weeks ago and now, my life sort of ... took a turn -- for the better! Sure it's been really stressful, but I'm very happy with how things are progressing. To recap:

1. I GOT AN IPHONEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! (Yes, this is super materialistic of me, but I don't care. I love it so much and I only got it yesterday. Hello and welcome to the future.)

2. I bought a car. (Grown up alert.)

3. I was re-admitted to university. (I will get a degree -- or I will die trying.)

4. I am still employed. (Just throwing that out there.)

I still have a lot more to tackle before the year's end, but ladies & gentlemen, I am feeling good. But this is my warning if things are a wee bit quiet over here for the next week or so. I do plan on adding more features and content come 2012, but for now, I will tuck in, organize, & plan away.

New year, new woman.

(Also, obviously the first app I downloaded was Instagram, so feel free to keep up with my day to day shit at "thesearedarkmatters"!)

Monday, December 19, 2011

/// STEAL THIS :: 2011

My life exploded, but more on that later. I have big plans for this little here internet corner in 2012. In the meantime, here's the shit I liked in 2011.

(This is not a complete list and I will be adding to it over the next few days because I'm really bad at remembering what I liked. Also, fuck "top/best of" lists. I'm not going to rank bands/songs/albums. I just want to feature new music I really enjoyed this year. Do it.)

If you do not have Spotify & would like to listen in another medium, let me know!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


How is it that Christmas is ten days away? I am not even close to being ready. I have, however, been watching these Marc Jacobs holiday promos and I can now say I'm feeling the holiday cheer.

Happy holidays!

Monday, December 12, 2011


After what seems like forever away from the internet, I AM BACK, BITCHES. I am still recovering from my trip to Pennsylvania (a lot of family & friends, boyfriend time, late nights) and the rain in Phoenix (say what?) is not helping me get back into the swing of things.

To get back on track, Washed Out is today's jam for STEAL THIS.


Thursday, December 1, 2011


I'm gearing up for an internet hiatus. I'm flying back to Pennsylvania tomorrow to have an early holiday with my dad. I also will be seeing that man of mine, the one I haven't seen in five months. It's been really difficult being apart, but we keep telling each other that it's just making us stronger (It is.)

Today's STEAL THIS is dedicated to my dude. The xx got us through a tough time & they will always be special to us. I cannot wait to snuggle in bed, drink some coffee, and put this album on the record player. (Tomorrow!)


Monday, November 28, 2011


I disappeared for several days because my house was full of people I like. My sister flew in from Chicago AND one of my best gal pals from Pennsylvania drove across the country & arrived Thanksgiving day. It was a super awesome lady fest -- and I think I'm still recovering.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


In lieu of the weekly SVPPLY ME, here's a link to all the little shops I've talked about on this here internet platform. Don't forget to #ShopSmall for Small Business Saturday, sponsored by American Express. Small businesses are such a big part of our economy & support local communities.

Get out there & shop not only your local independent retailers, but small shops everywhere! I cannot wait to explore my own city (Phoenix, what what!) this Saturday & see what treasures I come up with.

(Trust me, there are some gems out there.)

Happy shopping!

Monday, November 21, 2011


Oh, Mark Sultan. I really am quite fond of you. His collaborations with King Khan as King Khan & BBQ Show are fucking fantastic. Now he has not one, but TWO albums out this year (Whatever I Want & Whenever I Want.) What's really stuck in my head lately is this song, with Jared Swilley from Black Lips (off Whatever I Want.)

It's awesome.


Friday, November 18, 2011


It will come as no surprise that I love Mary Meyer. (Buy me things.) Here's a snippet from their fall editorial.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I'm officially ending my internet hiatus. I needed a break from the world wide web for the last couple days. The next few weeks are going to be super hectic & I need to be on top of things. (Despite my brief time away, I got nothing accomplished nor did I rest up really. I suck at time management/sleeping properly.)

Today, Wild Nothing is here to soothe my scattered brain. So dreamy, so calming, so enchanting.


Monday, November 14, 2011


I should be seeing Real Estate right now. But I made the responsible choice instead of the cool choice -- and I already hate myself for it. These dudes are the real deal; no sophomore slump for them. Their second album is just as awesome as -- if not better than -- their first. I am completely smitten.

Why, oh why do I have to be responsible?

Do yourself a favor & listen to them. You're welcome.


Saturday, November 12, 2011


November, and fall, have officially arrived in Phoenix. I'm using this weekend to catch up on some tasks around the house & just kick back while enjoying some rain (!!!). I made a November specific playlist so if you use Spotify, my November mix is there for you to listen along.


Thursday, November 10, 2011


Young Magic are some serious Australian via New York goodness. They're on tour now with Youth Lagoon, so if you have the opportunity, go check them out. I was blown away.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Feeling witchy today. Here comes. . .

1. Genevieve Savard // In love with the sheer pieces and the structures of the waxed cotton pieces.

2. Blood Milk // I'm a sucker for crystals & claws.

Monday, November 7, 2011


I was fortunate enough to see Youth Lagoon play last Friday night at Crescent Ballroom here in Phoenix. (If you live in Phoenix & haven't been to Crescent Ballroom yet, GO! It's really fantastic.) I've been playing Youth Lagoon's album, The Year of Hibernation, non-stop. It's a must listen. I haven't gotten the chills from a show or an album in a hot second.


Thursday, November 3, 2011


I've been trying to see Nobunny live for two years now and I finally had my chance last night. And boy, he did not disappoint. The bar smelled like cheap beer, piss, & sweat -- the perfect scene for a punk rock show. It was just what I needed. Getting down to some awesome tunes played by a grown man in his underwear wearing a bunny mask was more amazing than I could ever imagine. (Weirdly, I was also attracted to the underwear/bunny mask thing. That says a lot about me, doesn't it? Oh well.)


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


When I read about the embroidered covers Jillian Tamaki was doing for three Penguin classic books, I died a little bit. They are so incredibly beautiful & perfectly capture the essence of each book. I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of each!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Today on the Svpply is all The Loved One. Not only do they have one kick ass vintage collection, they have the most darling selection of original undergarments. I am seriously in love -- and seriously obsessed.

Happy shopping!

Monday, October 31, 2011


I should be seeing Shannon & the Clams RIGHT. NOW. But I'm not because I suck. (It's cool because I had a good day otherwise. Thanks for asking!) Really though, if I could be there, I would. They're awesome & girlfriend can sing.



Now that the weather in Phoenix is cooling down -- and I'm not being so lazy -- I was able to work in the garage this weekend to set up a makeshift studio. . . for some secret projects I've been working on. Here's a sneak peek!



It doesn't look like much, but I'll be working diligently over the next week to make the space cozy. Plus. I need to get my butt in gear if I plan on unveiling some big things in the not-so distant future. . .

/// Yes, I made a Sarah McLachlan reference in the title. Deal with it.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


These dudes are my favorite. In a really big way. I never have to be in a certain mood to listen to them; I just want to listen to them all the time. It never failed that "Alligator" would be played several times a week, if not a couple times a day, at my previous job. My bff and I converse in their lyrics. They are completely enchanting live. (They give me chills.) My obsession is unhealthy; I'm an addict and I don't care.

Not that I needed an excuse, but the cool weather & cozy sweater I'm wearing makes it a perfect day for listening to the National. . .

/// I got two sets of headphones, I miss you like hell


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

/// LDR

For those of you who have been in long distance relationships, you know how much it totally sucks. I'm counting down the days until I can see my dude again. Luckily, he's worth it.

Here's a little Ministry to pick us all up.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


It's a milestone day: 100 posts! I never thought I would make it this far.

On that note, I'm happy to present two of my favorite shops today -- one new to me, one newly re-opened:

1. I'm mildly obsessed with Frighten's altered Victorian portraits & other collages. I can't wait to pick up a few for my place.

2. I was so excited when I found out Barefoot & Vintage was re-opening her shop. She continually has one of the best selections at the best prices. That captain blazer? I'm dying. I drool over it every day. She's been adding a bunch of stuff since opening shop again, so keep checking back!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, October 24, 2011


I needed to take a breather from talking about how awesome Battles are, so I'll share today. I saw them last Tuesday night at Venue of Scottsdale and then my head exploded. Seriously, it was one of the best shows I've seen. Ever. See this here article for a little pre-show interview (and a better description of what their live show is like.)

And now for two of my favorite songs from the new album, Gloss Drop, with equally fantastic videos. Holy balls, these guys are great.




Bonus Two:

/// Their opener, Nisennenmondai


Thursday, October 20, 2011

/// M. JULY

Sneaking my mid-week fun in here just in time. Miranda July is brilliant. The end.

/// I need to play this every morning for reassurance.

Monday, October 17, 2011


I'll be the first to admit that I hated Telepathe the first time I heard them, which also happened to be seeing them live, years ago. H-A-T-E-D. So when Dance Mother came out, I refused to listen to it. My friends kept insisting that I listen to the album, that it would change my mind, but I was stubborn. The album was out for almost a year before I caved and listened to it. And I fucking fell in love. Seriously, I'm obsessed with that album; I can't wait for the next one; I can't wait to see them again. (Oh, and I slapped myself for holding out for so long. My distaste was completely unfounded -- and I need to learn to stop being so stubborn.)


Friday, October 14, 2011


I feel like shit so I spent the day with Mulder & Scully.

Happy Friday, nerdballs.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Accessories galore this week on the Svpply! First, I'm absolutely in love with these cross-stitched necklaces from Gamma Folk. They are such a unique, vibrant touch -- perfect for a pop of color. Then there is Old Baltimore Vintage providing an excellent selection of shoes & accessories. (There's something for everyone! I'm eyeing that HOCKEY belt buckle. . .)

Happy shopping!

Monday, October 10, 2011


The Replacements. That's all I have to say.

Oh! And check out the documentary about/love letter to the Replacements, Color Me Obsessed. I saw it last Friday at the Phoenix Art Museum as a part of their documentary series. It's really great -- except for the interviews with the Goo Goo Dolls. I'm still not sure why the shit they were included.


Thursday, October 6, 2011


It's not surprising I like these cats; I have a type. But that doesn't mean they're not great. (They are.)


Wednesday, October 5, 2011


This video is fantastic. It's so neat to see not only how fashion has changed over the last century, but music & dance as well. But really, those clothes are fantastic!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Here are the fun things I'm gaga over this week listed on my Svpply:

1. New spectacles from Bonlook. I've got my eye on the Jungle Chic pair in tortoise. But they have so many great pairs -- and they are cheap! You get the whole package for 99$! Hell to the yes.

2. Super cool vintage finds at Boat People Boutique. For real, I cannot get enough of that Navajo jacket and those sheer black numbers. So many more great pieces on their site.

Autumn is finally descending in the desert and I need new chic things to wear. Time to re-vamp that wardrobe. . .

Monday, October 3, 2011


When you pick up everything you own & move it clear across the country, it's no easy task. The moving of belongings is difficult enough; the saying goodbye to those you love is the worst. Sure, everyone says they'll keep in touch, but it never really happens -- or keeps up for that matter. Luckily, my friends are the most awesome people alive and double as my family, so while I've lost a few friends in several moves, I've become closer with many more.

That said, over the weekend, I got a lovely little package in the snail mail from Dianna, the beauty behind Aesthetic Love Story. (If you're not reading her blog, start TODAY. There is so much pretty over there, it makes me want to barf rainbows.) I still get so tickled to receive things via snail mail, so I was even more excited. Snail mail + package from Dianna? Heaven!

A big internet THANK YOU to this gorgeous lady for making my day!

/// Ps. That's some velvet art there that I cannot wait to create! It's apparently "mistake proof." Obviously, it's never come across my path. . .


On Friday night, I had the supreme pleasure of seeing Braids play at the Sail Inn in Tempe. Despite having to listen to Blink 182 in between sets & songs (Blink was playing an outdoor show as well across the lake, pretending that it was 2002), the show was so fantastic. It was the perfect evening weather coupled with their lovely sounds. It felt like autumn for the first time -- even though it was still 80 some degrees at 10pm.


Thursday, September 29, 2011


I'm a wee bit early on this one, but I'm way excited to see Bleached next weekend at Yellow Canary Dance Hall here in Phoenix. It's fun, girl garage-y punk rock. They've got me anxious to bust out my leather jacket & heart-stompin' boots.

Take a listen.


Ps. When you Google "Bleached", be careful. Videos of "anal bleaching" come up and no one wants that. Or maybe you do. . .

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


It seems as though Serge Gainsbourg and all things related are dominating my life of late. (I talked about Serge & Jane in the past week.) Today is the stunning Brigitte Bardot's 77th birthday. To celebrate, I made a Pinterest board in her honour -- and to keep myself inspired. Keep it French, sexy, & chic.

/// R. RAFF

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Up on the Svpply this week: Really great vintage items from Split Pea Vintage + my new favorite place for versatile basics & fun dresses, Lamixx. Head over there to check out some great pieces from both! (Oh, and pssst! Lamixx is having a great giveaway! Check out their blog to enter.)

I've also been thinking: What makes a shop stand out to you? Any recommendations? I'm jonesin' to check out some new stores.

Monday, September 26, 2011


In honor of seeing "Gainsbourg: Vie Héroïque" over the weekend at the Film Bar, I thought I would share a little Serge love. It doesn't get any better than Serge -- and his inimitable list of ladies. The film is fantastic & I highly recommend seeing it and then checking out his music. It's so, so good.

Friday, September 23, 2011


I am a very fussy person; I always have been. Even though I don't put much stock in astrology, I could be the poster child for all the Virgos in the land. That said, one area I am particularly fussy about is clothing, accessories, jewelry, shoes. . . All that fun stuff. The only person who can successfully shop for me in my sister. So when I got a call from my dude last week saying my birthday present was on its way & he was calling to confirm I was a size small, I panicked. I couldn't bear the thought of having to fake like something. (I know this all sounds incredibly superficial, I KNOW. I'm not demanding; I just like what I like -- and I'm fussy about it.)

In the end, I did not even have to worry one bit: I tore into the package and yelped with excitement! He picked me out a gray leopard print cardigan (not pictured) and a very fun tan & black printed shirt. I promptly called him & yelled into the phone about how awesome he is for thirty seconds before he was able to interrupt to tell me he was at work. (Oops.)

So here's to my present -- and my dude.

Ps. I really am still this pale despite living in the desert for two months. I am a desert goth.

/// Top -- Forever 21, gift from the bf; shorts -- thrifted; jewelry -- miscellaneous

Thursday, September 22, 2011


My number one dream in life is to be French in the 1960s. Until a time machine is invented, this is not going to happen. In the meantime, the best I can do is to emulate the look. One of my main style icons is -- obviously -- the Jane Birkin. (Who doesn't list her as a style icon? Hermés named a flippin' bag after her.)  She is just so effortlessly cool, chic, & charming.

I have the chance to take it to the next level for the Gainsbourg - Film + Lollipop Love + Look-A-Like Contest at the Film Bar in Phoenix Saturday night. I'm so excited to dress up as sweet Jane & dance the night away to the music of Serge.

/// You can see my full inspiration board on Pinterest.


The Gun Club is hands down one of my favorite bands. Ever. There's something about Jeffrey Lee Pierce's voice that always gives me chills -- even if I've heard a song a million times.

Something about listening to the Gun Club seemed appropriate today after watching the live stream of the Troy Davis case last night by Democracy Now. (I don't care what your position is on capital punishment; no one should be executed when there is reasonable doubt to his guilt.) There is sadness in my heart today that Pierce's voice is echoing.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Because I'm a sucker for all things neutral with some flair (Textures! Hoods! Hidden drawstrings!), this week I am drooling over these items from Seablanket and OAKNYC. Go pick up something nice for yourself.

Monday, September 19, 2011


In Flagranti, one of my favorite duos out there, got me into the groove this Monday. (I desperately needed it as I still feel funky from birthday festivities.) These dudes kill it.


/// These videos are just clips of songs, but the videos with which they paired the songs are too good.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


My dude called me this morning to wish me a happy birthday & excitedly asked if I got his card. He said he went to three stores because all the cards were stupid and sappy. But then at the third store, this card called out to him and he knew it was perfect. So I dragged my hungover butt to the mailbox and, lo and behold, the card was there.

Yes, my dude went to three stores to find me a card. Yes, this is card he got me. Yes, I laughed so hard and have listened to it at least 17 times so far.

This is why we're together -- and why we're incredibly awesome human beings.

/// Please excuse my disheveled appearance. It's been a long day.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Attention: I was productive this week. So I didn't accomplish anything I needed to accomplish, but I did make & alter some things to get my creative mind up and running. Take a look. . .

/// clockwise from top left: dip bleached jeans, shredded tee shirt, Missoni for Target inspired friendship bracelet, cut out skull tee inspired by Pleasure Principle

So after all that, I deserve a break. I ate some yummy Mexican food & watched Arrested Development to kick off -- eep! -- birthday weekend. (Sunday is the real deal.) Between mimosas and margaritas, I do hope to have listed more of my New York Fashion Week favorites over on Pinterest.

Bon weekend!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


So guys, on Labor Day, I did not labor. But I did go see Japandroids + Bass Drum of Death at the Trunk Space here in Phoenix. I intended to go just for Bass Drum of Death because I was under the impression I hated Japandroids. (Turns out I had them confused with another band. Still, their performance was enough to disprove that belief anyway.) I had been jonesin' for a hot, sweaty, balls to the wall show for a while -- and I was not disappointed. It wasn't just the 100+ degree heat & a small space packed full of people; it was some seriously awesome energy from both bands. I do wish it hadn't taken so long for a mosh pit to form. (C'mon, Phoenix kids! Get into it!) Bonus: Japandroids closed with a Gun Club song. (Uh, yeah. That sealed the deal for me.)



Friday, September 9, 2011


I know it's early in the NY Fashion Week game, but I am lusting over Rachel Comey's line for spring. The pops of color, the sheer blouses, the asymmetry -- I'm loving all of it. Please send one of everything. If only it were spring & time to wear these things again... (Oh wait! It's still terribly warm here, so I could!)

/// photos courtesy of NY Magazine