Monday, October 17, 2011


I'll be the first to admit that I hated Telepathe the first time I heard them, which also happened to be seeing them live, years ago. H-A-T-E-D. So when Dance Mother came out, I refused to listen to it. My friends kept insisting that I listen to the album, that it would change my mind, but I was stubborn. The album was out for almost a year before I caved and listened to it. And I fucking fell in love. Seriously, I'm obsessed with that album; I can't wait for the next one; I can't wait to see them again. (Oh, and I slapped myself for holding out for so long. My distaste was completely unfounded -- and I need to learn to stop being so stubborn.)


1 comment:

  1. if you like TELEPATHE check our new 12" with their amazing Remix of WHAT IS LOVE - listen here
