Friday, April 22, 2011


Bear with me as I feel a cold coming on and I'm desperately trying to catch up on sleep. Posting is going to be fucked this weekend.

However, I would like to post Thursday's edition of STEAL THIS. Mainly because it involves how spoiled I am.

Why am I spoiled? Because this little band called BEACH FOSSILS is playing in my crap town & I, for once, do not have to drive to see an awesome show. For once, I can get shit-faced, call a cab home, and sleep in my own bed, as opposed to a floor or a couch. (I'm not ungrateful, dear friends, who have let me crash countless times; just appreciative of my delightful bed.)

Back to Beach Fossils. I've been obsessed with their debut album since last spring. It is the ultimate summer album (and it's still great any other time of year.) It will make you want to grab a six-pack -- or some lemonade -- sit outside in the sunshine, and relax. Or do a dance, as I am wont to do.


Beach Fossils - Daydream from Enid Valu on Vimeo.

They are playing with CRAFT SPELLS, whom I don't know much about, but I'm excited to check out.

Plus, the super fantastic local band, The Fiddlercrabs, will be kicking things off for the evening.

Is it really obvious I'm totally freaking out about this show? Because I am.

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