Wednesday, April 27, 2011


So I mentioned I was ready to pee my pants over the Beach Fossils + Craft Spells show, right? Right. Well, folks, they did not disappoint. I was truly impressed by their performances & cannot say enough good things about them. It was such a fun, dreamy, energetic show -- the perfect way to break into spring. Without further ado, a recap in photos & video.

The Fiddlercrabs

Craft Spells

Beach Fossils 

And a couple videos to give you a taste:

Craft Spells from Jessica H. on Vimeo.

Beach Fossils from Jessica H. on Vimeo.

I would also like to point out that they are the nicest dudes ever. I'm always a bit concerned that people I admire will be dicks when I meet them, but not these guys. They were incredibly gracious as I went all fangirl on them.

So yeah. Go buy their albums. Go see them live. You will not regret it.

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