Saturday, April 2, 2011


I wear black -- and I wear a lot of it. If you open my closet, you are met with a wall of black. Typically, I end up running late in the morning because I'm shuffling through a pile of all black clothes, desperately trying to find that one black item I have in mind.

However, despite my penchant for neutral colors -- specifically black, duh -- I cannot help myself from dreaming of bright, sunny colors for a spring time wardrobe. Perhaps because it's still snowy & cold here in central Pennsylvania. Perhaps it's the thought of my impending move out West. Perhaps I'm broadening my horizons.

Whatever the reason, I've been drooling over some very cute items of at ASOS. Take a look:



Clockwise from top left:

Want to know what else I'm drooling over? Click the link on the sidebar to see my SVPPLY. And soon enough I'll learn to make fashion collages to post here.

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