Thursday, July 7, 2011


When I made the decision over three months ago to return to Phoenix, AZ to finish my degree, it seemed so far into the future. Obviously, it wasn't necessary to think about -- at all.

Now, here it is, one week away. (WHAT?!) I've already started saying my goodbyes; I've had my last day at work; I've packed up the last of my things. And hopefully this is the last time I say my farewells to this town.

I'll miss my friends, the familiarity, the comfortable living. But I know new adventures await me in Phoenix. I also know, when I finish my degree, I'll be fighting tooth and nail to get back to the East coast.

Here's to exploring my new city! I'm hoping I don't die of heatstroke in the process. (And any tips for cool places -- or jobs -- in Phoenix will be greatly appreciated!)

Sedona, Arizona -- January 2007

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