Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I've been fighting with my hair over the last couple weeks. I'm not sure if it's adjusting to its new climate or if I'm in need of a haircut (probably both.) Regardless, I've been desperate for a new look. (I'm still having haircut remorse after taking off five inches last time. I miss my long locks.) While I was poking around the blog at Hannah & Landon, I came across a tutorial on how to do rag curls. 

Last night:

This morning:

It worked a little too well -- I ended up with enormous, afro-esque curls. I'm definitely going to try it again with fewer bundles & I might not leave it overnight. My hair is incredibly responsive to any sort of manipulation so I need to scale back a bit -- especially since my hair is much shorter.

It's a lovely tutorial & a fun little experiment anyway. I do think, however, I'll wash my hair & reset it as I have to have my driver's license photo taken today.

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