Thursday, July 28, 2011


All right, all right. I'm kicking off Thursday with some King Khan weirdness. This guy & theses dudes, the Shrines, are simply brilliant. I've seen them twice and both times my mind was blown. So go on, get weird. It's almost the weekend.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I spent the afternoon doing things to further my residency here in Arizona: I received my new driver's license, called regarding my admission process to university, & walked around campus. It sure is weird how much I remember after being gone for so long. I definitely got a warm fuzzy feeling being back on campus -- I've always loved it there. If all goes as planned, I'll be back in school soon enough, nerding out. This also means I will be going back to school shopping. (!!!) (Really, I just want to buy new clothes. Whoop! Look for that post in the near future...)


I've been fighting with my hair over the last couple weeks. I'm not sure if it's adjusting to its new climate or if I'm in need of a haircut (probably both.) Regardless, I've been desperate for a new look. (I'm still having haircut remorse after taking off five inches last time. I miss my long locks.) While I was poking around the blog at Hannah & Landon, I came across a tutorial on how to do rag curls. 

Last night:

This morning:

It worked a little too well -- I ended up with enormous, afro-esque curls. I'm definitely going to try it again with fewer bundles & I might not leave it overnight. My hair is incredibly responsive to any sort of manipulation so I need to scale back a bit -- especially since my hair is much shorter.

It's a lovely tutorial & a fun little experiment anyway. I do think, however, I'll wash my hair & reset it as I have to have my driver's license photo taken today.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Ugh, I missed posting yesterday because I was feeling under the weather. Luckily, I may have cured what ailed me by doing some swimming today.

Perfect weirdo music for a day like today? Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti.

Friday, July 22, 2011


I'm starting to settle into my new home. I haven't had a chance to do much exploring quite yet, but I plan on poking around Chandler this weekend. If all goes as planned, I'll be snooping around Tempe next week.  One of my absolute favorite hobbies is to discover hip places, good coffee, and new people in unfamiliar cities. (I love living in cities.) While I have lived here before, so much has changed in the past six years since I've been gone. Plus, it will give me a chance to stalk people on campus so I can go back to school.

In the mean time, I'll hang out, all unemployed 'n' shit. Let me tell you, it's a good look. (Guys, I'm so lazy these days.)

And a big shout out to my East coast kids who are sweating to death. Here's my forecast:

Luckily, I have a swimming pool, bitches.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Two posts in one day? It must mean I'm still (f)unemployed. I figured I should try to keep to my music schedule.

Up now: Animal Collective. Because I'm spoiled, I saw them last week too at Mr. Small's in Pittsburgh. Animal Collective has been one of my absolute favorites for a while now, which is why I kind of lost my shit during the show. (It's also a good thing I didn't do any drugs because I was all high from their energy & their ridiculous visuals. There were plenty of dude bros tripping, though.) Basically, it was the best show I've seen in... a long time. I mean, I see a lot of fucking fantastic shows, but this one. Whoa. If you get it, you get it.

(They didn't play "The Purple Bottle", but I'm not surprised. I really would have died. It was primarily new, unreleased material with some oldies thrown in, including "Did You See the Words" & "Brothersport".)


I've prattled on about my dear friend, Kasey, several times before. This time, however, I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone: talking about her awesome shop & talking about the photo shoot I collaborated on with Kasey & my friends at We Are For Each Other.

Last month, one of the primary objectives of my trip to NYC was to style two wedding shoots. It just so happened Kasey made the wedding dresses & my other pals, New York-based wedding photography team, We Are For Each Other, were doing the shoots. Despite fighting off terrible storms (including hail), everything turned out beautifully -- and both couples were absolutely glowing.

Here are the first two dresses from Kay.Em.Kay's wedding collection + photos* from the shoot:

/// Dresses by Kay.Em.Kay: ETSY | FACEBOOK
/// Photography by We Are For Each Other: WEBSITE | FACEBOOK

*Photos are copyrighted. Please do not use without permission.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


One bad ass, campy movie. (It also happens to be one of Tarantino's favorites.) I'm infatuated with the outfits and the attitudes.

Monday, July 18, 2011


It's been a hot second since I posted a new one of these. Now that I am moderately settled, I might just be able to post regularly!

So this Monday's edition is to get you dancing. There will be no cases of the Mondays to be heard of. It's always a pleasure to do some grooving to those awesome Aussies, Cut/Copy. Not to mention I saw them a week ago today at the Altar Bar in Pittsburgh, PA. Those lads sure know how to make people boogie & that night was no exception.

What are you waiting for? Go dance!


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011


When I made the decision over three months ago to return to Phoenix, AZ to finish my degree, it seemed so far into the future. Obviously, it wasn't necessary to think about -- at all.

Now, here it is, one week away. (WHAT?!) I've already started saying my goodbyes; I've had my last day at work; I've packed up the last of my things. And hopefully this is the last time I say my farewells to this town.

I'll miss my friends, the familiarity, the comfortable living. But I know new adventures await me in Phoenix. I also know, when I finish my degree, I'll be fighting tooth and nail to get back to the East coast.

Here's to exploring my new city! I'm hoping I don't die of heatstroke in the process. (And any tips for cool places -- or jobs -- in Phoenix will be greatly appreciated!)

Sedona, Arizona -- January 2007