Sunday, January 1, 2012


How did I spend New Year? I had my own sassy countdown at 8.30pm, took a shot of NyQuil, and passed out an hour later. But you know what? I'm totally cool with that. No, I don't want to be sick, but it was nice not to deal with the jackassery the beginning of a new year brings out in people.

I am, however, looking forward to a few days off to recuperate & prepare for the start of the semester. (Holy shit! I'm a student again!) There also may be some things in the works for my internet dumping ground.

To start the new year off -- and abuse my Instagram capabilities -- here is the recap of my week. (Inspired by La Vie C'est YéYé. She is divine, so go check her out. Now.)

{Cookies; Phoenix Public Market; creepy dolls in a shop window; stencil outside the Bikini Lounge.}

{Birthday babette; Christmas kitty; Mum + sissy + creepy elf; Home Alone + cat snuggles.}

{Gifts from sissy wrapped in paper she made; witch sisters; Phoenix Christmas; early morning Mill Ave.}

{Little sister; new coffee mug from the mamma; ferris wheel outside the shop; back to school supplies.}

Happy 2012!

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