Friday, August 3, 2012


From here on out, all business will be conducted HERE.


Saturday, July 21, 2012


I'm a week late on this, but when aren't I behind on life? The important bit is that I've made it a whole year in Phoenix! I'm not sure where that year went but I do know a whole shitload has changed. Phoenix isn't my ideal place to call home, but it sure has been a nice catalyst for where I'm headed. Here's hoping the next year is just as weird/productive/ridiculous.

/// photo taken on my first day in Phoenix last summer, reprinted last week by my sissy

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Due to extreme laziness, it has taken me a proper week to post this for Ms. Dianna of Soft Gold Studio. We had an in-depth discussion of 90s music last week on Twitter (I hope you all witnessed it) & then she had a birthday last weekend.

Lady, I dedicate this to you. Happy birthday, lovely! Xo.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Deepest apologies, but it seems I (accidentally) took a mini-vacation. . . and it will be lasting through the weekend. I finish my first summer semester on Friday & then I will be taking a few days to recover before the next one starts. Plus, it's hotter than hell in Phoenix, which has melted my brain, so I need a second.

I am looking forward to:

+ working on my website (!!!) (or rather having Cameron Scott do all the work.)

+ DIY projects galore
+ overhauling my bedroom & bathroom
+ purging my belongings (online yard sale?)
+ setting lofty, but achievable, goals for the rest of the year
+ and drinking whiskey with friends // play time at the lake // seeing lots of live music.

Hold that thought. July is going to be good.

Friday, June 8, 2012


I may have promised a new mix, but it will have to wait because a.) this is amazing; b.) I'm behind at life. Again.

But damn, the Swedes. They're amazing at what they do. I assume it's making really awesome music + furniture. Here is yet another case of the former. (I even just posted about another Swedish band last week.) Iamamiwhoami is finally releasing an album + a series a videos to accompany it, all of which can be found on their YouTube channel.

I am a woman obsessed.